Legend has it that the salt mines in Wieliczka were part of the dowry of the Hungarian princess, Kinga, when she wed Bolesław the Shy over 700 years ago, making the Wieliczka Salt Mine one of the oldest in all of Europe.

Over the centuries, devout and superstitious, miners have carved fabulous figures, monuments and altarpieces out of its salt walls. These amazing works of art, in addition to the mine's historical importance, have earned the Wieliczka Salt Mine a place on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list.

Our route through the mine leads you through galleries and chambers on three levels, from 64 to 135 meters below the ground, including the unique and richly ornamented Chapel of the Blessed Kinga.

The route is 2.5 km long and you have to walk down 400 steps all told. The last stop in the mine is the souvenir shop and snack bar. From here, a lift carries you back to the surface. (Lift down instead of walking down stairs - only on special request)