New trends in coal mine methane (CMM) - recovery and utilisation
International session with the participation of specialists of UNO, UNDP organs on: New Trends in Coal Mine Methane (CMM) - Recovery and Utilisation
Ladies & Gentlemen,
in consultation with the organizers of the session called 'New Trends In Coal Mine Methane (CMM) - Recovery And Utilisation' we have taken decision to reschedule the session for February 27-28, 2008. The Session is going to take place in Szczyrk, Silesian Mountain Region, and will be a part of the International Mining Forum 2008, which is an annual conference, accompanying the School of Underground Mining.This decision is taken due to numerous analogous events (e.g. in China, USA and India) taking place in this time, engaging many methane specialists.
We apologize for this change. We invite all the people who have taken an interest in this session to attend other sessions of the Polish Mining Congress.

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Central Mining Institute
(Katowice, Poland)
Mineral & Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
AGH University of Science and Technology
invite you to participate in a special session of International Mining Forum 2008 called
‘New Trends in Coal Mine Methane (CMM) - Recovery and Utilization'.
This international session, expected to draw distinguished Polish and international experts, will take place in Szczyrk-Krakow-Wieliczka, Poland, from 27th through 28tht February 2008.
The International Mining Forum was first held in 1998. The Forum is a meeting of scientists and professionals who, together with the organizers, establish ambitious aims to confront ideas and experiences, evaluate implemented solutions, and discuss new ideas that might change the image of the mining industry. The International Mining Forum is an event accompanying the School of Underground Mining, organized since 1992 under the auspices of AGH - University of Science and Technology and the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The motto of the School is the beautiful thought of professor Boleslaw Krupinski, a scientist well known in the world's mining community, the founder and organizer of International Mining Congresses. It goes as follows:
‘Miner always was, is and will be a man of technical and social progress, because only progress, infinite perfection of social and technical work conditions, allows a miner to discover the secrets of the Earth, to explore its treasures, to conquer them for the common benefit, to reverse the dangers, which are caused by nature, to provide the country with forces of nature'.
For another time a complete set of papers presented at the International Mining Forum will be published by the prestigious Balkema AA Publishing House, owed by Taylor and Francis, London.
The session ‘New Trends in Coal Mine Methane (CMM) - Recovery and Utilization' is especially timely owing to many methane-related accidents around the world in the last two years and the growing interest in these projects as carbon markets mature. Methane has been a problem for coal mining since the first underground mines were commissioned. Most of you know the danger and safety hazards associated with methane in the mines, but now with improved drilling techniques and reservoir assessment technologies, we have made significant strides in mitigating the safety threat posed by coal mine methane. But is our job complete? Do you believe we know well enough about methane safety? Do you believe, that capturing approximately 30% of methane gas released during mining operations is enough as for the 21st century? Unfortunately, the many accidents in the last few years including a major explosion at the ‘Halemba' Mine in Poland suggest that we still have a long way to go?
The session on coal mine methane recovery and utilization will focus on upstream and downstream technical solutions for managing methane. Participants will also consider best practices to illustrate that effective management of the various technical options is a key factor in successfully managing CMM emissions. Financing methane drainage improvements and end-use options will also be addressed because the economics are often the greatest challenge to wider deployment. In an age of electronic communications, we believe that the opportunity for face-to-face dialogue, networking, and exchange of professional knowledge is invaluable. The workshop will provide an excellent forum for idea exchange, and you are encouraged to join the debate if this an area of interest for you.
Why not to spend 2 or 3 days in Szczyrk, known Polish mountain resort, fantastic Cracow, the former capital of Poland, and the Wieliczka Salt Mine - one of the most famous historic monuments of world mining and join the IMF 2008?
If you decide to take a break, you will be pleasantly surprised by a short walk in Beskidy mountains. It will be also amazing to explore old workings of ‘Wieliczka' mine and take tour through medieval and Renaissance Cracow - remember you will not be alone there! In 2006 Cracow was the most popular city among the tourists in Europe.
I. Session Organizing Unit:
- Central Mining Institute of Katowice (Poland)
- Plac Gwarkow 1
- PL-40-166 Katowice
- phone: +48 32 2592435
- fax: +48 32 2592549
- Mineral & Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- ul. Wybickiego 7
- PL-30-950 Kraków 65
- P.O. Box 49
- phone/fax: +48 12 6321324
II. Scientific Committee
Krzysztof Cybulski, Ph.D. (eng), Ass. Professor
Director of ‘Barbara' Experimental Mine
- professor Jozef Dubinski
- professor Jan Wachowicz
- professor Pawel Krzystolik
- professor Jakub Siemek
- professor Stanislaw Nagy
III. Organizing Committee:
Jacek Skiba M.Sc. (eng)
- phone: +48 32 3246603
- e-mail:
IV. Session Coordinator - in charge of organization and contact:
Lucyna Szoltysek M.Sc.
- phone: (+48) 32-259 26 23
- e-mail:
Jolanta Zurawska M.Sc.
- phone: (+48) 32 259 26 29
- e-mail:
Bartlomiej Jura M.Sc. Eng.
- phone: (+48) 32-324 66 07
- e-mail:
V. Date of the session:
27 - 28 February 2008
VI. Venue:
Szczyrk-Krakow-Wieliczka, Poland
VII. Session subject:
„New Trends in Coal Mine Methane (CMM) - Recovery and Utilization"
VIII. Possibility of sponsoring and advertisement:
Please contact with
Jacek Jarosz Ph.D. Eng.
- phone/fax: (+48) 12-632 13 24
- e-mail: